Division Math Book (Ten / Five is not Five)
Six sections of workbook pages help students of any age become fluent with and memorize division facts. The book is designed to introduce division facts based on a student’s knowledge of multiplication facts.
Included: How to Use This Book, a Guide to Introducing Division, 58 worksheets for written practice and review, record-keeping and assessment pages, a certificate of mastery and answer pages.
- Teachers, homeschool parents, special education and math resource teachers can use Ten Divided by Five Is Not Five to teach students in any grade level, including adult basic skills programs!
- Math facts are practiced throughout the book.
- This workbook includes word math problems too!
- Workbook pages have a clean design to appeal to both younger students and older students, including those in remedial math classes.
- Students will see that they can be successful in completing pages without counting on fingers or using a chart!
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Tags Math, Teacher Resource, workbooks
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