"We're In Business To Help Make Teaching Easier"

1201 Airway Blvd B-4​

El Paso, Texas 79925

(915) 304-0052

We're Here To Help

Mini Posters: Alphabet Cards Poster Set

This poster set includes 26 colorful, perforated posters that show each upper- and lowercase letter of the alphabet, paired with items that begin with that letter. Students can reference these posters to learn the order of the alphabet, how to write uppercase and lowercase letters, sound recognition, and more. Each of the 26 alphabet cards measure 5.5″ x 8.5″. The engaging, full-color art of each poster serves as the perfect visual reference tool for your students all year long. Visual learning tools help to create a positive classroom environment. Use the versatile posters together to create large displays or separately to create several small displays.

Availability: In stock


SKU CD106059

Availability: In stock