"We're In Business To Help Make Teaching Easier"

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El Paso, Texas 79925

(915) 304-0052

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Instant Skits for Children’s Ministry_

Teachers, volunteers, children, and even puppets can perform these 30 simple skits quickly and easily! At 5-10 minutes each, these children’s ministry skits are quick and easy, but guaranteed to deliver a Bible-based message that children will remember! Instant Skits for Children’s Ministry was written for all who can read — regardless of acting ability.

Build confidence in your children, as they use the simple facial-expression symbols beside each line to put the right feeling into each line. Words that should be spoken with emphasis are printed in caps, to help beat the “monotone syndrome” and ensure that everyone catches key concepts.

With this children’s ministry resrouce you will get:

  • Suggestions for expanding the message of each script with Scripture readings and discussion points.
  • Suggestions for tying in to other topics.
  • Directions for stage setup.
  • Puppet adaptations.
  • Scripture and Topic indexes.

Availability: In stock


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Availability: In stock