"We're In Business To Help Make Teaching Easier"

1201 Airway Blvd B-4​

El Paso, Texas 79925

(915) 304-0052

We're Here To Help

Communication Folder

Help students follow the sequence of their days with this portable visual schedule holder and cards.

The Communication Folder is the perfect organizational tool to support students with executive functioning issues. This handy folder features 2 large clear pockets, 3 medium clear pockets, 4 color-coded pocket pages, as well as 6 divider tab inserts. Great for students to carry with them throughout the day, both at home or at school, this folder is complete with spaces for schedules, strategies, homework, school-home-teacher communication, and more. This folder is specially designed to help students plan, organize, and regulate their time, attention, and emotions.

Availability: In stock


SKU CD836000

Availability: In stock