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All Together Now Vol 2_

The All-Together Now series is an undated curriculum set of 4 volumes for ministries with children aged 4 to 12 (Kindergarten to 6th Grade). Each volume has 13 lessons and the series totals 52 lessons, for a full year’s worth of teaching material. It’s a great resource for smaller churches, midweek services, or anytime you have children of different ages together in church.
Volume 2 engages children on a journey with Jesus, beginning with Mary’s story progressing through the Advent season and finishing with important events in the ministry of Christ. In volume 2 children learn:

  • Those who seek God will find him.
  • God sent his son, Jesus, to save the world.
  • Jesus’ love can change anyone.
  • We can call Jesus our friend.

Each lesson includes an attention grabber that introduces the theme, Bible exploration (for example, an interactive Q & A or a participatory skit involving kids in the room), life application (craft), commitment (links craft to lesson theme) and closing prayer. Volume 2 is intended for use in the winter quarter. Written by the author of All-In-One-Sunday-School.

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